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Friday 5 October 2012

Surprising details to include on a CV

Those on the hunt for a new job have been told of the surprising details that could actually work to strengthen a CV.

BusinessNewsDaily has reported on the items that can help make a resume stand out from the crowd, with advice on each topic provided by business experts.

For one, political stances on a CV can answer an employer's question of whether someone will be a good fit in a workplace.

Chris Westfall, a professional development coach and author of The New Elevator Pitch, commented: "Every job seeker wants to find common ground and a connection to the company or hiring manager. What better way to make a connection than through the causes that you support?"

Meanwhile, Phil Rosenberg, president of reCareered.com, believes that jobhunters should not be afraid to put their career failings on their CV.

"Employers want to see that you've tried, failed and learned from your failure, all on a prior employer's dime," he pointed out.

Travel experience, examples of low-level jobs, any side projects undertaken and awards or recognition should all also be included on a resume if possible.

For some of the best CV advice and tips visit the career tools section of www.aaronwallis.co.uk. Stacked with hints, tips and advice the Aaron Wallis career tools section is the right solution for you.

Posted by Richard EsquilantADNFCR-1617-ID-801464208-ADNFCR

Original: Salespeak News

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