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Tuesday 23 February 2010

10 Easy steps to secure a pay rise this year!

There are very few of us who would turn our noses up at a salary increase and whilst on average you can expect a pay rise of about 3.5% in the year ahead you may feel that your efforts and achievements warrant a bigger increase. Here’s how to approach your boss when you feel it’s time to bring the issue to the forefront:

Unfortunately the majority of companies still view salaries as an expense (some of the more business savvy people view this as an investment) and therefore tend to keep a tight grip on spending which means they are selective about increasing salaries.

The key to securing a pay rise is to demonstrate that you have been adding significant value that impacts positively on the company’s business performance and profits. In essence they need to know that you are a valuable asset to their business.

1. Research; Think about what you want to get out of the meeting and what you are willing to accept. Research what the company’s position on salary increases is in terms of salary scales, headcount, retention,

2. Don’t make it too personal: Whilst sales employers do generally know that big events such as a wedding or a holiday can provide a great incentive for their employees to reach their targets, using such events as the sole reason for a salary increase can prove difficult to justify to your boss. Focus on how you are over-delivering for them and give examples that justify your request. Your up and coming outgoings should be communicated as an added incentive for you to continue adding value to the company; It is likely you’ll find the request is better received.

3. Provide a concrete and recent example of how you are adding value to the company. Give examples and explain thoroughly what this has meant for the business. Don’t assume that your boss knows every achievement you have made, make it obvious and spell it out to them.

4. Timing can prove crucial in ensuring you get a positive result from the conversation with your boss- Approach him/her straight after completing a big project and know that most companies plan salary increases two or three months prior to the end of their financial year, so think about your timing.

5. Rehearse in your mind or even with a family member how you will approach the subject with your boss and practice how you will communicate with him/her.

6. See it from their perspective. How are they likely to respond? Prepare for how you will counteract the argument.

7. Although it may seem obvious, ensure your boss is not under any stress when you approach him or her. Make sure he or she is in a good mood and therefore that there aren’t any other factors that could produce a negative outcome for you and your salary increase request.

8. Have a back-up plan. If your boss makes it clear that they are unwilling or unable to offer you a salary increase ensure you are able to suggest an alternative instead of just giving up. Alternative can include bonuses, vouchers and working from home

9. Work out exactly what justifies you receiving a salary increase. If you are just doing your job you only deserve an average pay rise but if you feel you are going ‘above and beyond’ your daily routine write down how you are doing this so your boss is aware.

10. Be prepared to consider looking for another role if you feel you are being undervalued financially or otherwise in your role. If you really feel you are being underpaid for your work it may be time to be time to carry out some discreet job hunting.

Importantly it is vital to get the first step in negotiation right- your research. Here are some key areas you may wish to research before moving onto steps 2 to 10:

· How well paid are you compared to market rate? Talk to the experts in your industry.

· Rate of inflation

· Location and cost of living associated with that

· Company trading performance

· Available budget for pay rises

· When was last company-wide salary review, range of % increases awarded?

· When is the next company-wide salary review and likely % increases

· What precedents would be set by giving you a rise?

· How valued are you to your boss and company- Link to KPIs, new customers acquired, retained

However you decide to approach your salary negotiation it is important to remember that we would not recommend threatening to quit. Your boss may simply accept your resignation then and there. Don’t be tempted to let emotion over rule sense- the repercussions of such a move could prove disastrous....

Remember, keep it positive and have your preparation carried out in advance, you’ll be able to put your case across more effectively and could secure yourself exactly what you think you deserve!!

Monday 15 February 2010

Gender Inequalities in UK Sales Industry Take a Positive Turn

Some fantastic news for women in business across the country comes as insights into gender inequalities reveal that the number of women in top sales jobs has doubled since 2007.

The survey carried out by Aaron Wallis, a leading UK Sales recruitment agency had revealed that nearly half the female respondents work in managerial positions. Of the 644 respondents to the 2009 survey, 43% revealed they worked as Managing Directors, Sales Directors or Sales Managers.

By comparison, women in top sales jobs were found to constitute a mere 23% of the overall female respondents surveyed in 2007 which appears to put women on a more ‘level playing field’ in 2009 than in the survey carried out two years ago.

Whilst sales top sales roles don’t always mean top salaries for women it seems that in fact the income gap between men and women is closing significantly and surprisingly more women have surpassed the £25,000 income bracket than men; 82% of women are earning £25,000 or more compared to just 75% of men. This figure has risen considerably since 2007 when just 54% of women achieved this income.

‘Gender-typical’ industries such as construction, engineering and manufacturing are also seeing a rise in the number of women taking on sales roles in these traditionally male dominated sectors- a substantial 26%. This figure has risen dramatically since 2007 when only 5% of respondents took these roles.

The top income brackets however still appear to be reserved for men with no female respondents claiming to be earning £100,000 per annum or more, compared to 8% of men who were.

Rob Scott, Managing Director of Aaron Wallis contributed; “It is great for women and great for the sales industry that females are increasingly being recognised as at least equal in their capabilities as sales professionals. Women are continuing to show us that they are a vital component of the UK Sales force and personally some of the best sales professionals that I’ve ever interviewed are women”

To view ‘The State of Sales in 2009’ survey, please register your details at: http://www.survey2009.info/

Aaron Wallis is a UK based sales recruitment employment business. For sales candidates they offer a unique Career Advice Centre for Sales professionals covering CV Hints, Interview Tips, and advice on preparation, goal setting, presentation skills, reading body language and more. For employer clients their recruitment services include 12 months rebate, psychometric profiling and skills/ability testing as standard.

The Aaron Wallis specialist recruitment teams are dedicated to a range of specialist sectors that include B2B and Business Services, Media and New Media, Financial Services, Insurance Sales, Retail Sales, FMCG, Pharmaceutical and Medical, Construction and M&E, Engineering and Industrial, Electronics, Scientific and Science, IT and Telecoms and Print and Packaging.

For more information on Aaron Wallis, please visit: www.aaronwallis.co.uk

Thursday 4 February 2010


A recent survey into the thoughts of Sales professionals has produced some interesting insights into job satisfaction levels and commonplace perceptions of sales people and the importance of their roles in the UK.

The survey, carried out by Rob Scott of Aaron Wallis, a niche sales recruitment agency, indicated that a huge 96% of respondents said they enjoyed working in sales and found that a further 72% judged their career to date to be a ‘7 out of 10’ or more. The results seem to suggest that a turbulent 18 months has not shaken most professionals in the industry.

Of the 644 people recorded in the survey, over 50% believed that sales was the most influential department/division of their business, suggesting that sales professionals are more often than not, considered a vital component of UK businesses.

A theme that seemed common amongst the group surveyed was that working hours were in excess of 40 hours per week in 79% of the respondents and 80% said their role involved regularly working under stress levels of ‘medium’ or higher. In spite of this they remained positive and pleased with their chosen career path. This information seems to suggest that while some people would not enjoy working in stressful situations, those people that had chosen sales as their profession actually thrived in such an environment.

Over all the research found that Sales was an extremely desirable profession for most respondents.

Rob Scott commented: “In spite of commonly held views which suggest that Sales can be highly pressured occupation it seems that those that enter the profession are not put off by this. The research seems to suggest that in fact most sales men and women really do love their job.”

Only a fraction of those who took part in the survey are unhappy working in sales. Of the 4% who answered that they did not enjoy sales, most had been in sales for over 3 years. 92% had not initially intended on embarking on a career in sales.

The findings of the research surprisingly came just months before the UK officially rose out of recession and provides an unexpected insight into the morale of sales professionals in the UK, at a time when most would believe the respondents to have more sombre attitude towards their work.