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Tuesday 25 March 2008

Finding and Discovering the Meaning to Your Life

Here’s the third of eight connected Meaningful Minutes from New Meaning to help you reflect upon what is important in your life and discover your path

As a human being you respond to a natural call to find or discover meanings. To help find and discover the meaning behind events in your life you can download the third meaningful minute here

If you like it you may want to consider signing up for New Meaning's Meaningful Minutes – a series of weekly exercises to help you understand your meaning and life’s driving purpose.

Wednesday 19 March 2008

Indulge in your Easter Chocolate without the Guilt Trip!

Here’s a fantastic article from Peter Moorhead of ‘Celebrate Health and Fitness’, a Milton Keynes personal training business.

Celebrate Easter with Chocolate!

There is no escaping the chocolate at Easter and the temptation is often too difficult to resist, and why should you?

It is not true that chocolate in itself is bad; it is the high fat and sugar content that adds the pounds.

So, rather than deny the simple pleasures of chocolate, choose wisely. A dark organic chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa (70 %+) is a better choice than most milk or white chocolates and even has some important antioxidants. Just don’t overdo it and if you can, enjoy your chocolate with a small handful of nuts. Almonds or walnuts are best.

The protein in the nuts will slow down the rise in your blood sugar levels and lessen the subsequent insulin production that causes your body to get the excess sugar out of your blood stream and store it as fat. What is more, the (good) fats in the nuts will trigger your satiety hormones which say you are full up!

I am told by the best authority I know in chocolate (my beloved wife) that one square of this high coco content chocolate will give you the chocolate buzz you crave –it’s enough, and therefore you get all the good chocolate stuff, without the bad.

You can enjoy your Easter chocolate feast after all, life is a Celebration!

Peter runs Celebrate Health & Fitness, a personal training, healthy lifestyle company based in Milton Keynes. www.celebratehf.co.uk offer a range of services to help improve the general wellbeing of the citizens of Milton Keynes, backed by a 5 star guarantee. Their mission is ‘Let’s Enjoy Life!’

Sunday 9 March 2008

Increase Your Sales – Free Articles

The Aaron Wallis website has some great features and articles to download on increasing sales, improving marketing and PR, sales management and business growth in general.

Visit the increase sales part of our site to download free articles. We hope that you like them

Karate Black Belts – There’s more to them than you think!

I take my son to Karate every week and he asked about why the highest attainment was a ‘black belt’ rather than a red, yellow, green or purple one.

I explained that in times gone by everyone had a white belt and as you trained longer and harder your black belt eventually became stained with dirt, dust, blood, sweat and tears. So the black belt was simply a reflection of how well and how hard you’d trained over a very long period of time.

Sensei interrupted and said that all originally all karate belts were white and then as time went on and martial arts developed more structure, they were stained according to the level that you had attained.

And here’s the great bit.

Black belts were originally white belts covered in black silk. Then as you trained harder and longer the black silk wore off revealing the white beneath.

This symbolised that no matter how much of a master and expert you were, you were still a beginner. It sent shivers down by spine. Love it!

For more information on Karate visit the Central Federation of Traditional Shotokan Karate Website. It’s a great information portal for everything Karate and has a brilliant section on translation and detailed pictures of the common punches, stances, kicks and kata.

The Meaning of Your Life – The Interplay Between Success and Fulfilment

Here’s another great exercise from New Meaning to help you reflect upon what is important in your life.

The exercise will help you define what success and fulfilment means to you.

If you like it you may want to consider signing up for their Meaningful Minutes – a series of weekly exercises to help you understand your meaning and life’s driving purpose.

Exercise to Benefit from an Amazing Gift from Life

If you’re feeling philosophical here’s an exercise from New Meaning to help you reflect upon what is important in your life.

The exercise will help you Discover how to benefit from an Amazing Gift From Life

If you like it you may want to consider signing up for their Meaningful Minutes – a series of weekly exercises to help you understand your meaning and life’s driving purpose.

What we are, we have become; for we are the product of our experiences

Describing Behaviours, Thoughts and Actions

This is the second in a series of eight connected Meaningful Minutes that you can choose to experiment with to create your own model for finding and shaping personal meaning within your life.

Download the exercise to help find and shape the personal meaning of your life

Visit New Meaning and sign up to their weekly newsletter

Along side the exercise associated with this Meaningful Minute we encourage you to undertake a second daily exercise.

It is quite simple and only takes 5 minutes each day. Just before you go to bed write down (in a journal or notebook) all the experiences that you enjoyed that day. Don't do anything else at this point - just capture these enjoyable experiences.

Saturday 8 March 2008

The Meaning of Your Future.....

This is the first in a series of eight connected Meaningful Minutes that you can choose to experiment with to create your own model for finding and shaping personal meaning within your life.

Download the First Meaningful Minute

These Meaningful Minutes were written by New Meaning that has a clear vision to ‘provide you with a unique opportunity to explore and interpret personal meaning; define a clear and worthwhile purpose; and shape and energise your work-life contribution’.

Visit New Meaning and sign up to their weekly newsletter

As a Human Being you were created to live in this world and born with the abilities to cope with the changes that occur throughout your life. These abilities help you cope with, manage, or embrace changes that occur in the world you live in. At first glance these abilities seem simplistic and yet if you harness them they are all you need to thrive in a changing world.

Change is a given in life, as are the questions created by change and you can discover your own natural abilities to work with change in any aspect of your life.

I invite you to try these exercises and use them to help you use your human abilities; in turn discovering answers to your own questions and no matter the situations faced.

Discover how the Meanings of Your Future are Tied Directly to the Meanings of Your Past

Back To Driving… How to Save Your Back in a Field Sales Role

Here’s a fantastic article written by my Osteopath, Alan Dryer of Joint Solutions in Milton Keynes.

If you drive for a living, (or if you drive extensively for social reasons!), these are great tips to keep you pain free!

Pardon the obvious wordplay, but here at Joint Solutions, a large percentage of the patients we see have back, neck or arm pain which can be attributed to driving for a living!

The fact is, our bodies haven’t evolved to cope with spending lengthy periods in one position, performing repetitive tasks (steering, clutch, brake, changing gear), and to make matters worse, many drivers don’t adjust the seating in their vehicles as much as they might, to alleviate any possible stress on the body.

Top Tips to Help Your Back When Driving

1) Adjust your seat so that you lean slightly to allow your upper back to rest in a natural position. Sitting bolt upright places a continuous stretch on the hamstrings (the muscles at the back of your legs) which in turn, can place a strain on your lower back and pelvis.

2) Make sure you sit high enough – if you don’t, the angle at your hips will be too small – this can produce similar problems to (1) above.

3) Check where you sit in relation to the clutch – if you have to stretch your left leg right out as far as it will go to get the clutch down, you’ll twist your pelvis every time you change gear! Move just close enough that your leg is slightly bent when the clutch is all the way down.

4) We all need to get where we’re going, but try to take a brief break now and again – (it only means pulling into a layby for a minute or two) – stretch your neck in all directions, and if possible, get out, walk round your vehicle and stretch your low back. It sounds time-consuming, but two minutes every now and again, can really help to prevent problems building up.

By the time patients come to see us, their problems have often been building up for years – their bodies tell them it’s time to do something about it, but the damage can’t be undone very quickly – sometimes it takes a considerable length of time.

It’s much better to look after your back and neck to begin with, and perhaps to seek some help to maintain good back health, before it begins to hurt. You wouldn’t wait for your brakes to fail before you took your vehicle to a garage. A regular check up and some mobilisation and muscle treatment could help to prevent all kinds of problems!

Alan Dryer is a Registered Osteopath and runs Joint Solutions a Milton Keynes based multi-disciplinary, practise offering Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Therapeutic Massage, Sports Therapy, Acupuncture, and Reflexology. Each therapist is registered and fully qualified and where necessary, treatment and advice can be drawn from more than one expert, ensuring patients receive the best possible service. Their mission is to provide ‘Effective Care For Every Body’

Five Great Tips to Improve Your Public Speaking

Here’s great tips from a highly experienced voice coach, Cheryl Hawkins of Sound Perfect. These tips are for anyone looking to improve their public speaking voice:

1] Stand in noble stance, leading with the crown of your head and with weight equally balanced through your legs and feet, but without flexing your knees.

2] Combat nerves by breathing OUT and then LETTING the breath back in. Do this 3 times. This has a calming effect.

3] Dry Mouth? With lips closed, chew your tongue discretely. This releases saliva and no-one will notice!

4] Connect your voice to your breath by rolling an rrrrr or by ‘blowing a raspberry’. Feel the abdominal muscles being engaged as you do it.

5] Increase pitch range by exploring the rumble of the lower voice, lips humming loosely together. Feel the vibration in your chest cavity.

Whoop with joy to enjoy the upper end of your voice range.

Apply all this and then say with relish

‘’ Yes..............Once more Laurence/Lydia. That was marvellous!’’

Cheryl Hawkins qualified with distinction from the Royal Academy of Music before spending many years as a professional singer performing throughout the UK and Europe. Cheryl has worked with many celebrities and has recorded for the BBC.

Cheryl now uses her vast knowledge of human voice physiology and production to help anyone that is looking to be vocally more effective.Based in delightful settings on the outskirts of Milton Keynes, Sound Perfect’s mission is to help you ‘Se Your Voice for Impact and Influence’.

Sound Perfect offer free Half Hour taster sessions where you’ll try out some easy techniques to help you take the first steps forward. Cheryl will also give you some practical pointers that will help you keep your audience onside. For more information call 01296 720787 or visit
Sound Perfect

Cheryl has also written
7 top tips for a stunning talk or presentation

Symbolism. Advance!

I love symbolism. I love the way that it’s not always the obvious and when you know the meaning it’s always far more memorable and significant.

Think of the Australian national emblem. It’s a kangaroo and an emu, standing on a wattle bush (Australia’s National Floral Emblem) supporting a shield. Each segment of the shield represents a different state of Australia.

So far pretty mainstream and straight forward.

But why Skippy and Emu? Why not a Koala and a Croc!

Well, often the emblem is emblazoned with the motto ‘Advance’ after the national anthem ‘Advance Australia Fair’

And here’s the great bit.

The beasts were chosen specifically because both Kangaroos and Emus are incapable of walking backwards. Isn’t that great. Symbolism, I love it!