Tara Daynes, a HR consultant and trainer, pointed out that a job advertising for a permanent position usually means that an employer is looking for someone who will be committed.
As a result, a jobseeker could give themselves a greater chance of securing a position if they come across as having a long-term future with a company.
Ms Daynes advised: "They need to convince a potential employer that they do intend to stay put for the foreseeable future for as long as it takes and are not just going to stay temporarily."
The expert added that managers are less likely to choose a person who clearly is only hoping to stay put in a job until something better comes along.
In other advice for jobseekers, Denise Taylor, career psychologist at Amazing People, recently pointed out that a bad first impression can be difficult for a candidate to recover from, thus making preparation for an interview even more critical.
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Posted by Wayne Bly

By: Salespeak News
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