The outspoken Conservative pointed out that 104,000 new jobs can be created in the property sector alone, due to the government's commitment to allow him to invest £3 billion in housing.
A number of schemes which Mr Johnson has planned should he be re-elected in May 3rd should also open up 59,500 job opportunities, while 32,300 could be established via improvement's to London's transport system.
Mr Johnson commented: "Through working hard to cut waste in the Greater London Authority, freeing up £3.5 billion for services and securing a better deal for London from Number 10, we will directly create 200,000 jobs for Londoners."
The London mayor's vows came soon after Michael Ward, president of the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce Group, acknowledged that more jobs could be created across the UK if the government simplifies certain initiatives in the business sector.
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Posted by Nikki Barrister

Source: Salespeak News
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