Dr Dianne Bown-Wilson, small business advisor and age management specialist at in my prime, pointed out that the economic woes have meant jobs are in short supply.
As a result, travelling down the self-employment route has become much more of an "attractive choice" for those still searching for work.
"There are a number of advantages to setting up in business when times are hard, including the fact that it is possible to win business on a strategy of offering lower prices and a better and more flexible level of service in comparison to larger competitors," Ms Bown-Wilson explained.
Furthermore, the expert believes that the recent recession and economic troubles has helped in making people more innovative in the business sphere.
When it comes to keeping morale up in a workplace at a time where pay rises are not an option, a study by People 1st Training Company and ICM Research found that 66 per cent of workers would be grateful if their employer offered training and career development opportunities.
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Posted by John Oak

By: Salespeak News
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