The survey was carried out by and found that more than a quarter of the 600 employees polled chose sense of humour as their top boss trait, followed by trust (20 per cent), respect (15 per cent) and patience (13 per cent).
Other manager traits which were found to be particularly sought after by employees included fairness (ten per cent), open communication (nine per cent) and honesty (seven per cent).
Humorous bosses were found to be more important to female employees than male, with a 61 to 39 per cent split of men to women in the workplace choosing it as the top trait in a boss.
A spokesman from said the findings revealed a mutually shared sense of humour benefitted any relationship, whether work or social.
He added: "As workers are pushed to do more demanding and time consuming roles it’s becoming increasingly important that they can share a joke
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Posted by Wayne Bly

Source: The Sales Director News
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