That is the opinion of Paul Thomas, senior CV consultant at, who said that the key lies in ensuring that the resume is tailored towards the job, which means any work history should be relevant to the position applied for.
"The reader will want to know when you worked for Acme Nuts and Bolts, the start and finish date, a quick line or two about the company - including sector, number of employees, turnover, if known, - and website," he explained.
Mr Thomas added that the recruiter will also want to know about any promotions and when they were awarded, and advised bullet pointing three responsibilities and three achievements.
"Do this for your last three or four roles, but if you have had more roles, then be selective with key detail as you will not have the space to fit everything in," he recommended.
The expert suggested compiling it chronologically, starting with the most recent position on page one and working backwards, keeping a close eye on spelling and grammar.
"Finally, be positive - if you think negatively, you will write negatively," Mr Thomas concluded.
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Posted by Nikki Barrister

Via: Salespeak News
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