That is the recommendation of Recruitment Queen, which noted that a major problem for many candidates at the moment is that they cannot express traits such as their communication skills and punctuality in interviews.
Charlie Ryan, owner of the website, said the problem for many is that they note on their CV how enthusiastic and dynamic they are and that they have great timekeeping, but this is often hard to believe.
"I would say these skills are more important than having the right qualifications. I can guarantee that somebody without certain qualifications can get a job if they have all the right manners and social interpersonal skills," she added.
The expert said a company would be willing to take the risk and take them on because they are seeing people with ability and promise.
Her comments followed the publication of a recent British Chambers of Commerce report which found that many firms claim that candidates do not have the right skills for the job – including poor levels of literacy and numeracy, as well as softer skills such as timekeeping and communication.
Aaron Wallis offers one of the largest resources of interview advice and career tools available to UK jobseekers.
Posted by Richard Esquilant

By: Salespeak News
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