Elizabeth Bacchus, founder of thesuccessfulcv.com and a leading career coach and writer, said that many graduates in particular may have limited experience in the world of work, but that does not mean their limited encounters with work should be neglected.
She noted that anything that can demonstrate to potential employers that the sales recruitment candidate is capable of operating in a working environment and being part of a team is helpful, even if it only lasted a couple of weeks.
"For graduates, it is looking at any initiative they have been involved in - whether that be voluntary or whether it has been a part of their university - where they have added value and developed transferable skills," Ms Bacchus added.
She noted that these can be anything from developing strong communication skills and working within a team to honing their abilities as a collaborative team player.
Recently, Dan Hawes, co-founder of the Graduate Recruitment Bureau, said that the workload many students have means it is hard to get experience of the working world while at university, but the effort is worth it when it comes to gaining a graduate role.
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Posted by Wayne Bly

By: Salespeak News
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