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Friday 19 September 2008

I am a candidate

Looking for a job can be a very daunting experience; but whilst salary, working hours and working environment should be important factors when considering what kind of job to take, it is also important to place personal interests, the kind of company you want to work for, job prospects and use of skills as the main incentives when beginning the job search.

Looking For a Job

Knowing where to begin a job search might depend on what kind of career you`re looking for but the internet is full of many websites and recruiters that specialise in hiring those in a particular vocation. Some of the larger national newspapers will have weekly job sections which advertise nationally, and local newspapers will usually have a weekly job insert that advertises the latest local opportunities directly from the employers.

The CV

A good CV will give clear and concise details of education and work experience in reverse chronological order, along with a brief description of qualifications and skills gained and responsibilities these included. Don`t forget to include details or explanations of any gaps in your CV such as time taken to go travelling – use these to your advantage by giving a brief description of any relevant experiences or skills you may have learnt here too. Be wary of small making small mistakes such as spelling errors and too many headings and sub-headings – it is the content that really matters; and a CV should always be sent along with a covering letter which should perhaps elaborate on what you`re looking for and why you think you think would make a suitable candidate for the role.

The Interview

A) Interview Preparation

Always try to do a bit of background research on a company before attending an interview: How and when did the company start? What influence does it have on modern markets? Look for any useful information on their website and see how the company presents itself to its clients and customers as it is more than likely they will want a candidate that best reflects that. Try to rehears answers to the typical kinds of questions you will be asked. "Why do you want to work for us?" or, "What qualities do you think you can bring to our company?" Even if this means giving examples of times when you have failed at something, try to show how you learnt from this experience.

B) Interview Presentation

If it`s true that we make up our minds about the people we meet within the first 3 seconds then this needs to be remembered most at interviews. Dresses smartly; even if the job you would be doing doesn`t require formal wear, always make the effort, and there should always be a handshake. Employers will expect you to be nervous but proving you can stay cool under pressure is one of the things they are likely to be looking for.


Some interviews, particularly those in specialised vocations, may require you to take an aptitude test to assess your numeric and literacy skills, and any other specific qualifications required for the role such as a particular computer program. Try to take your time with these kind of tests, even if you only have a set time in which to complete it – employers are far more likely to want someone who is thorough than someone who is just quick and careless.

So if you think you`re ready, why not begin your search for Civil Engineer Jobs today?

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